Send email reminders about Due items

Whichever task manager I use, I heavily rely on email reminders. I might or might not have this task manager opened, or with me on my phone. But email is always there.

So due dates in Dynalist without email reminders are pretty useless for me.

If you consider adding this feature, please note that it is only useful if you send a separate reminder for each task at it’s due time. Not a single email with “all your tasks for today”.


Would an integration with Google Calendar work in your case? I believe Google Calendar will be able to handle everything from push notifications to email notifications. I imagine an integration with them would just be replicating dates into a calendar of your choice.


Quip has rolled us a nice version of reminders: you receive email notifications as well as notifications on your mobile device. The problem with Google calendar notifications is that it works well for events, but when you need reminders simply to work on tasks it becomes awkward.

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I feel the same exact way that email reminders are essential. It’s something I’ll seriously consider making an extension for when the API is out.

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Whatever happened to this? I need emailed reminders badly!!