Quickly capture to Dynalist inbox on Android, using Tasker

Here is how I got a widget/button on Android home screen that quickly adds an item to my Dynalist inbox. It uses Tasker, an Android automation tool.

  1. In Tasker, add my “Capture to Dynalist Inbox” task from TaskerNet (direct link)

  2. Edit the task to enter your Dynalist API token where indicated. You can find your token at https://dynalist.io/developer

  3. Add a widget to your home screen: Tasker -> Task Shortcut -> Capture to Dynalist Inbox

The widget may not always work, especially if your item has exotic characters, because I don’t know how to properly escape special characters in the input before sending to the API. I have tried to handle backslashes and quotes correctly, though.

Here is the task description in case you are interested:

Task: Capture To Dynalist Inbox

<Enter your API token here:>
A1: Variable Set [
     Name: %dynalist_api_token
     To: None
     Max Rounding Digits: 3
     Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]

A2: Popup [
     Text: You must first edit this task to enter your Dynalist API token
     Layout: Popup
     Timeout (Seconds): 600
     Show Over Keyguard: On ]
    If  [ %dynalist_api_token ~ None ]

A3: Stop [
     With Error: On ]
    If  [ %dynalist_api_token ~ None ]

A4: Input Dialog [
     Title: Capture to Dynalist inbox
     Close After (Seconds): 30
     Pre-Select Input: On ]

<Escape backslashes>
A5: Variable Search Replace [
     Variable: %input
     Search: \\
     Replace Matches: On
     Replace With: \\\\ ]

<Escape quotes>
A6: Variable Search Replace [
     Variable: %input
     Search: "
     Replace Matches: On
     Replace With: \\" ]

A7: HTTP Request [
     Method: POST
     URL: https://dynalist.io/api/v1/inbox/add
     Headers: Content-type:application/json
     Body: {
       "token": "%dynalist_api_token",
       "index": -1,
       "content": "%input",
       "note": ""
     Timeout (Seconds): 30
     Structure Output (JSON, etc): On
     Continue Task After Error:On ]

A8: [X] Popup [
     Title: Debug
     Text: %input
     Layout: Popup
     Timeout (Seconds): 5
     Show Over Keyguard: On ]

A9: Popup [
     Title: Error Adding To Dynalist
     Text: Received response code: %http_data._code
     Layout: Popup
     Timeout (Seconds): 5
     Show Over Keyguard: On ]
    If  [ %http_data._code !~ Ok ]

A10: Flash [
      Text: Successfully added to Dynalist!
      Continue Task Immediately: On
      Dismiss On Click: On ]
    If  [ %http_data._code ~ Ok ]

Nice work. This app has a input widget too if you want to compare Quick Dynalist - Apps on Google Play