Protip: Duplicate item hotkey is easier than trying to aim the mouse at the end of a line

So I have difficulty aiming the mouse all the way at the end of a line in order to add a new item.
If you aim too far left, your in the middle of the text and need to -> arrow key until you get to the end. If youā€™re too far right, itā€™s a blank void and you hit the wrong line of text. Itā€™s just a lot of precision for my lazy self, and Iā€™m no keyboard-only vim genius either. And thereā€™s no ā€œadd item below/aboveā€ hotkey.

Anyway, new trick: sloppily slap the mouse in the middle of the line, hit Duplicate Item hotkey, Crtl-A, then type what you want. Thought Iā€™d share this little improvement I discovered ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ .