Powerpack 3

Allan I recommend you read this intro PDF which is pure gold:

I see, the free intro chapter to How to Take Smart Notes which is a text related to the Zettelkasten technique.

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Is this extension still actively supported? I am using Dynalist 1.3.0. I just want to make sure before I invest a lot of time in it. It looks very useful!

I just answered my own question by scrolling back through all the posts. It looks like the last time @Piotr posted here was May 2019.

Next question: how do I uninstall PP3?

Which way did you install it? GreaseFork or the Dev Console way?

Hi, I don’t know if it still works, but if anyone is interested, there is the code: https://github.com/panpiotrs/DynalistPowerpack

But beware that this code was never meant to be public, the quality is bad, I was learning new stuff doing that, there are ugly hacks all around, there are some things that I started, but never finished. Overall it’s a mess.


Thank you! We’ll see if there’s anything we can do so people using Powerpack can get a version that works with the latest version of Dynalist.


So Piotr, I remember now that it was from a PowerPack tweak that I first heard the term “spaced repetition” a good while back and from that, Zettlekasten, and from there to other things which I have since explored–mostly for my kids and grandkids who are still students, but for myself also as a life-long learner. ROAM is the latest focus of interest. And RemNote. And Polar Desktop

Given the benefit I’ve gotten over the past two years from PP on Dynalist, I’d love to know when-if you make your One Interconnected Place open to users. I’ll be looking via Slack and here. Thanks for what you are contributing.


Thank you very much for your kind words, I’m glad it helped you that much :slight_smile:

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Dates in Agenda no longer work. :cry:


Same problem here @Timur_Raptayev :confused:

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Yes, this does prompt the call for a dashboard for Dynalist with due items. I’ve had to use a search bookmark, which is way more cumbersome than PowerPack, and so have stopped using dates in Dynalist. I use TickTick instead to show what’s due today.

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I’m trying to set up Powerpack 3 on my Dynalist Desktop application, but I’m getting an error message. - Or actually, I’m getting 2, depending on how I paste the code in the console:

One reads “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘off’ of undefined”.
The other one: “Uncaught Error: only one instance of babel-polyfill is allowed”.

I’m probably doing something wrong in a very newbee and stupid way, but hey!
I AM a newbee. :d
I am a writer, not a programmer/techie/geek/

Thanks in advance for your help.
The Powerpack looks really great, so I’d like to use it! :slight_smile:




Okay, never mind.
Scrolling through this IMMENSELY long thread, I found someone with the same problem who pointed out that you have to press the menu in the top right corner to open up the “Open Powerpack Settings” option.

Maybe this should be added to the manual. :d

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@Kenneth_Aar – just to confirm, still no way to drag ‘line-items’ and ‘nested lists’ across panes, even using other browsers, right?

Sadly; no.

Same here. Really a pity given how powerful the agenda function is.

Powerpack 3 has been deleted off of Greasyfork and is effectively unsupported. See thread here: PowerPack 3 Deleted from Repo?!

Shame, since it added many must-have features to dynalist.

I really like to use Pwerpack 3 but I dont know how to use :disappointed_relieved:

how to activate powerpack3.js file to apply to dynalist??

Also, this link “https://greasyfork.org/scripts/369661-dynalist-powerpack-3” dosen’t work.

can anybody help me out?

Powerpack is javascript, so you can use Tampermonkey to apply javascript to any website, such as dynalist.

Here is the last version of Powerpack https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/PiotrSss/DynalistPowerpack@master/powerpack3.user.js

Be warned, it was last updated 4 years ago. If something is broken, there might not be anyone left here who still uses it to help you. I believe the author quit dynalist and switched to Logseq.