Option to Display Timestamp for Every Entry

I would like to (optionally) be able to have every line automatically timestamped (which I’m sure each entry already is if there is a version control feature)…but I’d like three options for VISIBILITY of the timestamps:

  1. Automatically prepend the timestamp before each entry.
  2. Automatically append the timestamp after each line
  3. Or display timestamps for each line when hovering over them (appended probably).

A shortcut that would automatically make all timestamps visible or invisible would be fantastic too. And of course, we should have the option of how to format the timestamp in options (whether we want to display hours, seconds, etc, and of course MM/DD/YY or DD-MM etc). The option to display dates by date created or date modified (or both?) would be great too.

Why would this be great? Because now dynalist isn’t just a todo/list/outline etc. It’s a log…a journal…a blog, etc. Now we don’t have to go through the cumbersome process of inserting static dates…they are just THERE…and accurate (based on last modified time anyway).

This feature is similar to a git blame plugin I use in VSCode that shows timestamps and author for every line (when you rollover the block of code). It makes it very easy to see when something was created/modified and by who…all without every having to remember to type/annotate/comment anything. Yes please.


Yes, this is such a useful feature when taking quick notes at work… time gives important context to what the note meant and not having to record that manually makes notetaking much less tedious. I am suprised why more people haven’t liked this post :thinking: