Mindmap: Ability to Create Map from filtered location in document

Is there a way to start the mindmap from the filtered location? Also is there a simple button to go outline to mindmap view?

I was using transno originally which looks like a copy of dynalist, but has a much cleaner mindmap implementation with different views. I switched to dynalist pro for the additional features but the lack of easy access to the mindmap view and the fact that when you enter mindmap view it is for the entire document, not the filtered area you are on, makes it cumbersome and it could be so much more useful if you could just navigate your outline and the choose to view a section in mindmap view.

In transno’s mindmap view the filtering works

Also the zooming would be much easier if it was pinch to zoom. Sometimes the - button disappears and does not fit in the view.

Also when you want to filter in transno it gives you the option to filter, but in dynalist it immediately filters when you click on an item.

Editing features in the map would be great too.

Are there plans to address this?