Mind-mapping your ideas ... to Dynalist


My favourite app for mind-mapping (brain-storming) on the go (Android/iOS) is Mindly.

Sometimes …

  • I start by fleshing out a topic using Mindly, then …
  • I select SHARE (in the app’s menu), and choose OPML (as the format to share/export in)
  • Finally, I choose COPY TO CLIPBOARD,
  • then switch to Dynalist … and PASTE!

After that, I can continue working / adding content in DynaList.


Note: Mindly is my favourite mobile mind-mapping app because of it’s unique mobile UI, which makes mind-mapping painless in the small mobile-device screens. (I was using the paid version of Mindly before I discovered Dynalist).


Interesting! I’d like to know how they’ve managed to make mindmap a breeze to use on mobile. Will check it out!

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Also - related to cloning/displaying items in multiple places - this app (Mindly) features the ability to have an item appear in more than one place:

When you’re going to paste an item it asks:

  • duplicate or link?


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I also use an app for this, in my case is SimpleMind (Android/iOS/Windows).

I use it mostly on desktop and with the shortcut “Shift+Ctrl+C” i can copy the mind map as an outline and paste on dynalist when needed.

Can’t say if this feature is available on mobile.


Same here using Mindly to brainstorm in an mobile device.

Every node is circular and orbiting the parents. If there are more than 6 node around a parent, it shows an arc only and let you turn the node around. It is a clever design!!

The only problem is… you lost the sequence and order when you uses Mindly.

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I didn’t want to pay $30 for Mindly but I found a free one that takes dynalist text, so export document>plain text>spaces>paste to textedit>replace spaces w tab>paste to https://tobloef.com/text2mindmap/

I guess it’s kind of nice to have the levels radiate from the center, rather than being randomly distributed in the rows, makes it easier to see the dynalist in a different way

It’s not a very good website, I had to zoom out until the text is unreadable. Maybe there are other free ones that accept hierarchal lists


Wooo I never heard of this mind mapping app yo, it doesn’t appear to be popular at all but #miro had taken off whenever that was, but I have not found it helpful for anything yet.

When you do this or cut and paste from outline view, do you get a collapsable outline in Dynalist or just the whole thing with indentatitons (not collapsable)?