Make something recur on the last day of the month?

From reading, I haven’t figured out a way to make something recur on the last day of every month. Is there a way to do it?

Not yet, mostly because we didn’t figure out a good markdown format for it.

Maybe something like !(2018-12-22 | 1m-1), borrowing from programming the syntax to access the last item in an array (e.g. array[-1] in Python)?

Good suggestion by the way!

That syntax would work well for me.

Looks like I’ll be busy on the 28th each month for a little while!

Yeah, I was about to suggest that walkaround for now, clever!

28th is much worse than 30th though (I’m looking at you, February). We’ll add it soon!

Will this still be added sometime? I’m using the 28th for the recurring last day of month tasks but a real last day of the month would be nice.