Live demo doesn't work doesn’t seem to work.

I can’t open any documents and this error is shown with JavaScript Error notifier chrome extension:

This is on latest Chrome on latest Mac OS X.

Can’t repro, can anyone else repro this error?

Note: this is in logged out state.

Also, right now Google login doesn’t work:

There are also bunch of other errors on the console:

Yes, I tested while being logged out.

Any chance Google is somehow blocked in your region?

I’ve debugged this and your servers are misconfigured.

Show this to your programmers:

The code that is failing:

        t.prototype.init = function() {
            var t = this;
            gapi.load("auth2", function() {
                    client_id: DYNALIST.GOOGLE_LOGIN_PUBLICKEY,
                    cookiepolicy: "single_host_origin"
                }).then(function() {
                }, function(e) {
                    "idpiframe_initialization_failed" === e.error && e.details.match(/Access is denied/) ? t.google_error = 'Google sign-in doesn\'t work if you turn on "Block third Party cookies and site data". The setting can be found in Settings > Show advanced settings > Privacy > Content settings.' : t.google_error = "Google sign-in doesn't seem to be working",

The error returned from Google is:

{error: "idpiframe_initialization_failed", details: "Not a valid origin for the client: https://www.dyn…itelist this origin for your project's client ID."}
"Not a valid origin for the client: has not been whitelisted for client ID Please go to and whitelist this origin for your project's client ID."

Not a valid origin for the client: has not been whitelisted for client ID Please go to and whitelist this origin for your project’s client ID

Means that the project is misconfigured in GCE.

I’m using it from

Maybe you’re testing using some alternative domain.

@Shida Could you take a look at the stuff he sent?

@Krzysztof_Kowalczyk It could be something wrong on our end, we’re going to take a look. I wonder why most of our users are still logging with Google just fine though, the issue might be a mix of your client and our configuration. We’ll see! Thanks for the detailed report.

Oh I see the problem! Dynalist is usually served from and not

Not sure why this isn’t happening but we’ll make sure to setup a redirect from www soon to fix this! Thanks again for the report.