Invitation pending

Steps to reproduce

Starting from scratch, what are the steps to make the bug happen? The fewer the steps, the better.

I have sent some invitions to manage a dynalist but the person i have invited does not receive the email to accept rigths

Can you check if there is any issue?

Expected result

What do you expect to see after carrying out the steps above?

Actual result

Instead of the expected result, what happened?


Which operating system are you using?
Which browser are you using?
If you’re using a desktop or mobile app, what’s the version number of Dynalist?
Are you using any third-party scripts for Dynalist, e.g. PowerPack?

Additional information

Anything else you think would help our investigation, like a screenshot or a log file? You can drag and drop screenshots to this box. For large amount of text, try putting them into something like Pastebin.

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