How Do You Access Dynalist?

I’m currently reviewing my workflow in terms of how I use Dynalist. Curious about how other users access Dynalist.

Which of these do you use most of the time?

  • Web app
  • Desktop app
  • Mobile app

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Thanks :+1:

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Desktop personally, because I need to access it while I’m not in the browser (also because I have ~10 Chrome Windows open in different Windows workspaces).

If you’re like me, I’d recommend the desktop app.


I can’t believe you use Windows

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I constantly use the Dynalist Chrome extensions, particularly Clip to Dynalist, as well as PowerPack 3. For me, the Desktop is not much use without these.


I have a keyboard maestro hotkey to carry me from anywhere to Browser Tab 1 in Opera, so DL is never far way. The desktop version is less convenient for this. The Dynalist Companion Clipper is the extension I use most, to automatically send the web address and title to the DL folder I designate as INBOX (which I also have a two-key trigger for in KM.) And I do appreciate the customizability of PowerPack but don’t use but a small percentage of what it can potentially do.


I use Vivaldi browser and the sidebar is perfect for Dynalist usage.


I don’t like using web apps, because there’s usually too much temptation/distraction from the other tabs. :sweat_smile:

Desktop app FTW!

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Desktop app, but I also enjoy using it on mobile. Those two are my main choices.

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Windows works well enough for for various things. I like the app ecosystem of macOS better.

I use Dynalist in a locked down work environment – hence I have to use the Web app.

I would use the Desktop App if I could, but that’s not an option on my work computer.

Web app only because I use only Chromebooks.

Desktop app & Mobile app personally, because I spend a lot of time on road or in the client’s office ,sometime there is no network for guests.