Holding ctrl + clicking on a document should open it in a new tab

Would this help or hamper your productivity?

Wanted to reserve Ctrl+Click for multi-select for files in the future, so that you can bulk-operate on files that are not neighbors.

What do you think of having to right click and choose ā€œOpen in new tabā€, which only works in the web version? Is that so inconvenient that it misses the whole point of Ctrl+Click?

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That makes sense. :thumbsup:

I think that would work, once implemented, as it wonā€™t clutter up the menu.

If there was an additional option to add the document to the current tab for split screen mode, what should that be called?

ā€œOpen in new paneā€ā€¦? Not sure about that yet :confused:.

Itā€™s probably trivial. I guess something like ā€œAdd to viewā€ or ā€œOpen hereā€ and letting people experiment with that might help.

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Absolutely love being able to Ctrl-click on breadcrumbs now! Itā€™s that much easier to enjoy the magic of web apps with multiple Dynalist tabs open at once :slight_smile:

I find myself wanting this functionality for all bullets constantly. Perhaps Alt-clicking could work??

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Perhaps mouse middle click. Is this the result what you are looking for?

Unfortunately, canā€™t middle click on my Macbook trackpad!

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Not by default, but MiddleClick.app is working well and is free


MagicPrefs worked perfectly for me; thank you!


What do you think of having to right click and choose ā€œOpen in new tabā€, which only works in the web version?

This is exactly the functionality I am looking for! But I do not see the option in the right-click menu (I am in the web version). Am I missing something?

Thanks Erica & Team for a fantastic piece of software!

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Thanks for the kind words!

Unfortunately the part you quoted is not implemented as of now. You can look into Powerpack (search in the forum) if you want that feature on the web version.

I hope that helps!

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OK Erica, many thanks for the reply and for pointing me to the Powerpack! Cheers!!