Happy New Year!

@Erica @Shida

Happy New Year!

Thank you for a year of continuing progress in developing an indispensable service. Your enthusiasm and commitment to moving Dynalist forward is why you have such loyal users.

Keep up the good work in 2020. :clap: :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for the kind words, happy New Year!

I have no idea where we will be this new year :frowning:

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No worries… I’m trying to handle the current apocalypse using Dynalist as perhaps my primary “home office” tool. Where would we be without it? :astonished:

So true… and it has only been 3 months. I hope everything starts getting better from this point :cry:

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So what’s coming with Dynalist next release? It’s my favourite tool, let me be happy for a moment! :slightly_smiling_face:

Honestly, under the current circumstances, when everything around us seems to be falling apart and the earth seems to be crumbling under our feet… I’ll just be happy with the status quo! :grinning: That is, if none of the crucial software tools I use on a daily basis (especially those that are cloud-based) breaks down. Hopefully, the nasty bug will stay away from @Erica and @Shida… and that’s about all I’m asking for at this point! I suspect all of us will be dealing with concerns other than improving our software tools, for the foreseeable future…

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Although it’s April Fools’ everything in the post is real! (We haven’t posted the update to all platforms because desktop hasn’t been released yet)

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