Glitch with Search


search result

Freezes after typing first letter or two of the word I am searching for.


Which operating system are you using? Windows 10 and android latest OS
Which browser are you using? Desktop app, chrome phone app.
If you’re using a desktop or mobile app, what’s the version number of Dynalist? It does it on all formats
Are you using any third-party scripts for Dynalist, e.g. PowerPack? NO!

Additional information

When searching for a name in the search bar it freezes after typing the first letter of the word. I have to close the app and relaunch it to get it to work. It does not do this if I place " " before and after the word? It also does not do this on all flat document searches just this one document which is very complex data, links, and graphics on it.

Additional comments

Issue resolved. For anyone else who may be interested, I was granted access to the account to debug the issue.

Seems like there were several huge data:image links encoded in base64 that’s being matched for the character that’s being typed, which ends up with a few thousand search matches for each image.

Avoid using data:image links - instead upload as an attachment if you have Dynalist Pro, or use imgur otherwise.

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