Forum username change requests

It is not a joke


There you go, BigChungus.

Hi Erica, can you please change my username to himadri_sm [preferred], or himadri-sm, whichever is available?

Thank you.

Done! :slight_smile:

Thanks Erica :slight_smile:

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Hi! I want to be called Vadych


Thanks Erica :slight_smile:

Hello Erica - can I be Jeffurry please?

Done! Looking good :slight_smile:

Thank you :grinning:

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Can I take ā€œmatroā€ please? Or ā€œmatrelloā€ as alternative. Thank you!

Done! ā€œmatroā€ is available, thankfully :slight_smile:

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Please change mine to rubaboo. Thanks.

Changed. You can change the name, Iā€™ve changed your username which you canā€™t change yourself.

Itā€™s 2021. In life we have to look forward, but sometimes we have to look back. Would be better to pin something more interesting, or useful donā€™t you think? Instead of all those forums out there where something old and outdated has stayed pinned because nobody ever cleaned out the bookshelf

Hi Erica.

Could I be named msmr?


Hi @Erica can I be "tk"please?