Firefox on Ubuntu (Gnome) goes crazy with Ctrl button

Steps to reproduce

  • Use Dynalist in Firefox on Ubuntu
  • Make sure cursor is visible in an item
  • Press Ctr once
  • Without moving the cursor, use the mouse to navigate

Expected result

Usual behavior.

Actual result

The Dynalist tab goes into a crazy mode. If you click (mouse) on an item it is marked as if Ctrl was pressed the whole time. Also, if you click on the bullet, it zooms into this bullet instead of expanding/collapsing it.


This state can be reset to normal by

  • clicking on a different window and back
  • going to another tab and back
  • using the arrow keys on keyboard to move cursor
  • pressing Shift button


Ubuntu 16.04 , Firefox 57.0.4

Additional information

This only happens with Firefox on Ubuntu. Chrome is fine, as is Firefox on Windows, Mac and OpenSuse.

This may very well not be a Dynalist bug, but an unfortunate combination of Ubuntu and Firefox.

Maybe someone else can reproduce this bug with Ubuntu and Firefox.

This is particularly annoying because I like to use shortcuts like Ctrl+S, which also activates this crazy “mode”.

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After some “investigations” and experiments, I found a “solution”.

Turns out, this crazy behavior is only present with ubuntu (unity) and ubuntu(gnome).

Other desktop environments like KDE and Xfce are fine. So the bug is actually in gnome/unity, not in Dynalist.

So my “solution” was to install Xfce desktop environment on ubuntu and use it.

If someone else with Ubuntu (unity/gnome) stumbles upon this bug and finds a real solution, please comment.

Until then, my “solution” is not to use ubuntu gnome or unity. :sweat_smile:

I’m experiencing this issue for some month.
Every time when after I press the shortcut key that is combined Control key(ex. “Ctrl+S” , “Ctrl + Shift +S” , “Ctrl + Shift +Delete”), I have experienced this issue. it’s very annoying.

My environment(now):
Manjaro Linux Cinnamon Edition (version 18.1.0)
Firefox 69.0, Waterfox 56.2.14

This issue doesn’t happen on Chromium / Google Chrome on my Linux environment(Manjaro Linux Cinnamon edition).
Also, Firefox on Manjaro Linux KDE Plasma version(18.1.0) doesn’t produce this issue.
So I think that the combination of Firefox-beased browser and Gnome-based desktop environment(ex. Gnome, Cinnamon, Budgie) produces this issue.

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This is exactly my experience as well. And it’s still a current issue.

Are we the only two people using Dynalist in Firefox on a Gnome-based distro? :thinking: :grinning:

I thinks that Linux’s input method may be one of the causes of this issue.
I usually use fcitx for input method on my Linux. In that case, this issue happens.
Does it happens with other input methods?