Feature Request: Allow Limiting Number of Lists to Documents

When I first started using dynalist I just did everything in 1 document and learned the hard way to split everything into documents and then link them into other documents so that it runs as fast as possible.

Iā€™m not sure how many people have this problem, but I sometimes add to a document more than I initially wanted to when I first created the document.

Could there be a feature to lock how many lists are at the top of the document.

If not would be very interested to know how others handle this situation or is just me?

I usually know just write a note to remind me to limit and keep the document clean.

I could also create a template document where it reminds me to keep it short.

But a native feature would be nice that alerts me or just says something similar ā€œList limit set to: 5ā€ somewhere in the document.

I would not suggest this feature on every list because of performance but I have no idea how dynalist works under the hood so if easy to do for every list then why not go for itā€¦

You can tell a document is too large for your computer once things begin to slow down a bit. I feel like that is sufficient to alert the user. The size limit depends entirely on the CPU, RAM, and Browser. Updating to a powerful computer fixes any issues. Once CPU or RAM reaches 100% the document slows.

Note: I am not asking for the feature because of speed, I do not mind splitting my documents up into other documents and linking them.

It is the idea of keeping documents small by putting a limit and then increasing the limit only if absolutely necessary.