Fade or Remove Bullet for Checklist option

my css solved it imo

i agree the no-css version should have all the stuff a noobie could intuit. Having CSS options for picky users like me is perfect.

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Took a cue from @Michael_Potter’s idea and made a mockup.

I have to admit this is not an easy or quick to implement solution. People may also confuse the ‘+’ for zooming with the existing ‘+’ and ‘-’ buttons for expand and collapse.

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i like existing ui
concepts kind of ugly, because its confusing then a symbol is used sometimes and not other times without meaning anything different

Thanks for sharing the code. Makes it beautiful!:+1:

I agree with @Michael_Potter, but with modifications. I can’t comment on color but checkboxes should replace bullets, it should be the default behavior, and there shouldn’t be an option to change it. Either bullet or checkbox, but not both at the same time.

For me that did not work.
Had to add this instead:

/* make bullets invisible if checkbox exists */
.Node.has-checkbox .Node-bullet {
opacity: 1% !important;

This way, just the bullet becomes invisible and all the fuctionality remains working.

… or you just toggle the view and use Article view for these docs. :sunglasses:

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#cute, one of the oh-so trivially cute nice to haves…