Export option: Tab Character

SimpleMind Support writes:


When using paste text as list, it will import the same way as when importing a .txt file. This means each new line in the text file creates a new topic. If a line starts with a tab, this creates a child topic.

DynaList doesn’t have Tab as an option when exporting, so I can’t export an outline. Can this be added please? This ought to be trivial.

SimpleMind is by far not the only app that likes Tab characters to represent indenting.

So true

true of course its also trivial to convert in text edit

what even are you showing? a mac app? I want to get this done on ipad. I don’t think there is a trivial answer.

I doubt it’s trivial since Dynalist uses markdown. Most plaintext markup languages disappear Tab.

But I think SimpleMind imports opml. You could try that.

Yes import OPML works, to create a new outline. Not nearly as smooth as copy and paste, in fact it takes a 30s task and makes it a 5 min task because I need to go through dropbox and do a whole bunch of work to get opml in place as needed.

That’s not great. It’s never more than 30 seconds for me, and some programs accept opml being pasted in.
But not all opml imports are equal.

That’s the stock text editor on Mac, yeah. The Windows one works the same. Find > Replace.

I don’t have an iPad with me, but I’m sure most ‘text editor’ apps have the feature. Find and Replace is as basic as it comes. But, maybe not, I notice iOS isn’t a great OS for actual work.

Try this:

  1. Dynalist Export > Plain Text > Indentation style: Spaces. Copy.
  2. Paste in https://www.browserling.com/tools/spaces-to-tabs, “How many spaces is one tab”: 4, Convert, Copy to Clipboard