Dynalist & Obsidian

I would absolutely be interested in this! The less dependent I can make my Obsidian system on a single computer, the better.

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My current hypothesis is that Dynalist is a great thinking support tool that I use both as a diary and a sketchpad for ideas. However, I can’t seem to be able to use Dynalist effectively for task/project tracking or for long-term memory. I find that I tend to treat Dynalist as a write-only/mostly medium and I need a different tool for building up a personal knowledgebase.

Back in grad school I had a literal zettelkasten in the form of index cards and file folders of academic papers. I think that Obsidian / Roam has potential in this area but it’s early days for me still, so not sure how right I am. Your very succinct and insightful bench metaphor really resonates with my hypothesis, so thank-you for that!

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Yes, I’m still finding that Dynalist is essential for bench-like activities such as knowledge work and text snippets. Functions such as unchecking lists and item notes cannot be replicated elsewhere. In time they could be incorporated into nodal platforms, but I wonder whether we still need a separate space for two different kinds of activity - doing and thinking.

For long-term memory, I’d like to suggest trying RemNote, it has a very easy way to build flash cards with space repetition function.


For me RemNote is a mess. I just find it unintuitive and confusing. But I might just be easily confused.


You’re right, it is not very intuitive. But in my opinion, there is no other program as powerful as RemNote to help you remember your notes. In a recent update it even added the image occlusion feature like Anki (that’s why I remove Anki from my computer). I’d like to suggest a small, simple start, like I have 103 acronyms I want to remember from work, so I start by just importing it, and only takes me a few minutes to convert all of them into flashcards. Once you learn more and more about the program, you can import more things that seem fit to you.

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Yes Kevin, I’ve come round to that way of thinking and working. I was using Dynalist as my “catch all”… acting as an outliner, brainstormer, todo, project management and data repository. As you say, you run the risk that your todo/project management tool is swamped with misc data that you’re saving “just in case”.

Now Obsidian is my knowledge bank and Dynalist is for active todo and project use. I use DropBox to sync my Obsidian data, so can hyperlink between Dynalist items and Obsidian md files if necessary.


Mmmm, I am seriously thinking of switching to Obsidian for my knowledge bank also … that is the stuff where I really want to be able to make many to many connections AND what I want to be future proof (project management doesn’t need either of these things, it’s transient and more static in structure) – it’s almost like they thought about this :smiley:

I also find RemNote to be a mess. I went back to Anki for working on long term knowledge retention.

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I would also definitely be interested in this. By allowing Dynalist and Obsidian to easily link together, it creates this all encompassing ecosystem that you can access from anywhere. That would add SO much value to both Obsidian and Dynalist!! Also, it makes duplication unnecessary. Would be really cool to create a search that searched between both as well — wow there’s endless potential there!!!


@Erica I would really love it of Dynalist got som cross polination from Obsidian. There are many features in Obsidian now that would be very welcome in Dynalist.

Also: Any word on the december update? Or will you start updating only every quarter now?


I use both Dynalist and Obsidian for much of the same reasons as discussed here. I didn’t see it mentioned that you can integrate the two quite interestingly by embedding Dynalist right in Obsidian using iFrame.

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embedding Dynalist right in Obsidian using iFrame


Can you tell me how? Obsidian is an intimidating beast I cannot even begin to figure out.

edit: found it

<iframe src="https://dynalist.io/d/blah" width=500 height=1000></iframe>


Well I guess this turned into quite the success

Do i see it correctly that this Obsidian made this Dynalist basically abandoned? I can’t see updates on blog, changelog, trello and even here on the forum since then.
Is Dynalist officially in a phase out/dead/maintenance status?


The label maintenance status for Dynalist seems accurate to me. Dynalist JS and CSS appear to have changed in March 2023 (six months ago), so somebody’s pushing new code once in a while. I’ve also seen occasional, brief server outages for Dynalist which were repaired quickly, so someone is still tending the servers too.


makes me hesitating on deciding whether to use it. I tend to prefer over workflowy but not sure if i would invest in something without stable future

Any app can bei abandonded and changed out of reason nowadays. Dynalist was stable over years and they are responsive and care about the server issues this year. I don’t think they will stop the services as it is pretty stable over times. But I would not expect any further feature development.

I tried workflowy and other productivity tools. I always come back to dynalist for task and information management and live planning. It just works clean and straight forward in combination with the app QuickDynalist.

Give it a try :⁠-⁠)


I just inserted it into Logseq and it works perfectly!

I would welcome a special Dynalist deal for Obsidian subscribers instead. Last month, I had to cancel my Dynalist subscription after 5 years, because I can’t afford to pay the full subscription price for maintainware that’s no longer developed.

I am an active subscriber to both Obsidian Sync and Obsidian Publish, and they’re great. If they gave folks like me, say, a 50% discount on Dynalist, I think I might resubscribe.

I still use Dynalist for some minor things which just wouldn’t work quite as well in Obsidian, but it’s a major pain in the a** to be using Dynalist as a free user. No customizable keyboard shortcuts. no quick item navigator, etc. etc., are severe showstoppers.

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