Dear Fellow Developers,
Once again, thank you so much for the API. This opens up so many possibilities, and I am still loving the CSS capabilities. However, I am really thinking about the future, and one thing that is clear to me, is that the ability to use customizations is going to be very useful from within the context of Dynalist itself (whether browser-based, mobile, desktop).
It would be interesting to start a discussion of what that might look like. I have some initial ideas.
Where would they be accessible?
- I could see a toolbar that is appended to the extending small toolbar in the upper right corner with extensions after they are installed.
- Available on the right mouse click (either at a node level in an outline or on a folder or file in the document browser)
Extension API??
- It would be nice to get a reference to the currently selected node and document
- Events - for example, document and folder additions, new nodes, modified nodes, deleted nodes
This is an initial braindump, I am curious if others would be interested in such things?