Delete should put cursor on NEXT item

Steps to reproduce

Shift-command-delete to delete a line

Expected result

Cursor lands at the beginning of the item after the deleted one.

Actual result

Delete lands at the end of the previous item.


MacOS 10.12.6
Chrome, up-to-date

Additional information

I understand why the expected behavior is the way it is, BUT, if it did this instead,

  • I could easily do a series of Deletes in a row โ€” hard with the current behavior
  • or I could start a new item by hitting enter

Additional comments

On my setup (Windows + Chrome), Ctrl+Shift+Backspace has the effect you describe in Actual, but Ctrl-Shift-Del has the effect you describe in Expected.

I think Fn-Delete maps to Backspace on a Mac. Is it possible that for you, Cmd-Shift-Fn-Delete has the effect youโ€™re expecting?

1 Like

Wow, yes. Yes it does. Thanks.


Great! Is it resolved then?

Yes, resolved.

Thanks sir! :thumbsup: