Color coding is really important to me. So much so, that in WorkFlowy I used to tag things as #red, #blue, etc. just to get around this. It’s awesome Dynalist has this and even better than you can use keyboard shortcuts for it.
But, letting me customize colors would be much better. I am color-blind, so I need to play around to find colors that I can differentiate easily. Also, I already have a system in my head for exactly what colors I want to use because I generally keep it consistent between all apps. For now, I’ll keep using my color tags.
I also have a consistent color system, so I really want the color customization feature. In particular, pink is an important color for me. If the pro version has that feature, I will gladly pay for it.
You can customize the colors using custom CSS, a PRO feature. I changed my color-1 to be a light green by pasting this into the Custom CSS box in Dynalist settings:
Perhaps this belongs in another thread that I haven’t found yet…
Probably the biggest feature I was hoping to find in Dynalist vs Workflowy was an ability to assign colours to #tags.
Obviously this would need to be custom colours, so when you do add a colour selector for item colours, PLEASE also consider allowing Pro users to assign colours to selected tags from their tags pane. This is probably doable with a whole lot of work in custom CSS that would need constant updating, so not really a solution.
I think it’s a good idea to post a separate feature request about your use case, as it’s pretty different from the OP. Would be sad to see your request hidden here…
It’s easily doable in CSS actually, and what I’m using hasn’t required updating since I initially put it together back in October (unlike when I customized Todoist, which would break every few days it felt like).