CSS Genius Assistent Required?

I’am not so good in CSS so I copycat somebody CSS Code and try to modified for my needs
What is the CSS Code to change the entire row change the textcolor “light gray” when this has the tag #someday so i can quickly see my Next actions and skip my someday tasks, can somebody help me with this.

Thanx in Advance


Dimitry, I’d be surprised if that’s possible with the new CSS adjustment option. You can change the height or color or whatever of all links (I’m guessing tags are treated as links somehow), but if you want to grab individual words you would need to do so in combination with a userstyle or tampermonkey script. Completely possible, but then only available on the web, not universal.
I believe, anyway

Thanx Keith for your response

I hope so, it would be handy if you have an list where all actionable actions are having text colour black and someday are having text colour light grey, so without filter or order,you can see those actions for focus in one page.

Important for me that it universal works i want a same view over all devices without (tampermonkey, styler tools etc…). At the moment i’am working with iOS, macOS, Windows10 en Chrome during my day at home and at Office

Maybe other users can help me or clarify the Do and Don’t with this new Pro Feature to setup custom CSS in Dynalist.
