Copy URL+ Chrome extension

I use @rawbytz Clip to Dynalist Chrome extension hundreds of times a day, and occasionally Clip to Dynalist Note.

But sometimes I want to copy a selection of text on the page as well. I found Copy URL+ Chrome extension, which allows you to grab details of the web page into the clipboard.

The format I chose was:

<opml><body><outline text="[${title}](${URL})" _note="${text}" /></body></opml>

This works most of the time, except when the text contains a quotation mark.

I’d be interested if others have tried out this extension with Dynalist.


guess this is pretty much used for bookmarking links?

This looks cool, but I’m apprehensive about trying because of what you said about the quote issue.

Now that you’ve had time to play with this, are you still using it? And happy with it?