Copied bullets lose indentation on first copy attempt (but retain indentation on subsequent attempts)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a new document with this content
  • lol
    • test
  1. Highlight the bullets with text and press Ctrl-C.
  2. Go to the empty bullet and type Ctrl-V.

Expected result

What do you expect to see after carrying out the steps above?

  • lol
    • test
  • lol
    • test

Actual result

Instead of the expected result, what happened?

  • lol
  • test
  • lol
    • test

But if I copy the same text and paste again, the indentation is usually retained.


I get this with the desktop app on Linux and the web app on Chrome on macOS. I havenā€™t tested other environments. Itā€™s been a bug for many months, and I keep the desktop app up to date.

Sadly I canā€™t repro on Windows. It might be a Linux-exclusive bug but I doubt it.

Any other linux user can help verify this?

It does seem as though I can reproduce the problem more reliably on Linux than on macOS. Hereā€™s a screen recording taken on my Mac. After I made the recording, I couldnā€™t reproduce the bug again, even after reloading the Web page or app. But I can consistently reproduce it on Linux (Chrome and app).

Any chance you can try to paste into this clipboard tester box when youā€™re on Linux and can consistently reproduce this?

Let us know what shows up.

When I tried copying the indented version of ā€œout in 1 in 2,ā€ it became flat:


And this is what the clipboard-test output looked like:


This is what it looked like when I tried copying again and it worked:

So sometimes itā€™s copying plain text and sometimes HTML. Interesting!

Wait so, Iā€™m not sure I understand this - Did you have to copy again to make it fixed, or do you just paste, and paste again and the 2nd time it works?

I had to copy it a second time to get it to work.

See any errors in the JS console? Iā€™m at a loss as to what this could beā€¦

If thatā€™s all the info we have I might need to spin up an ubuntu box to test later

This happens in Slack too, so itā€™s probably not an issue with Dynalist.

Whatā€™s weird is that it happens on both my Mac and my Ubuntu laptop.

Oh, I figured it out: itā€™s probably Clipmon, an Emacs package. Mother heck.

Sorry for bothering you, and thanks for helping me figure it out!

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