Can't set heading to NONE

Steps to reproduce

Attempt to set heading to none. Alt Cmd 0 once worked for this.

Expected result

heading returned to No Heading emphasis

Actual result

Keystrokes to create heading levels works, to set to no heading does not work. And the option is not settable in the customizable keystrokes list. See screenshot.


Mac High Sierra, Opera browser latest build 62.0.3331.101!


Additional information

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Additional comments

Couldnā€™t open the screenshot for some reason.

I tested it and it seemed to work?

This is what I see: no choice for clear heading. Clicking the plus sign does nothing.

After you press it you should see this:

Just press the key combo you want, and it will be set.

Isnā€™t this how you set your other keys (making heading 1, 2, and 3 as seen in your screenshot)?

I want to add that this icon means itā€™s already set by the user, just so you know which ones you set. You can click it to revert to the original key combo too.
