Can the ESC key un-focus all fields, as clicking outside the doc does?

I put a lot of links and markdown noise into my notes, so when Iā€™m focused on / editing one, itā€™s a jumbled mess of code and long URLs, etc. Iā€™d like to be able to press ESC (or any keyboard shortcut, really) to return my item to ā€œrendered Markdown modeā€, just like clicking anywhere outside the document does.

Or is there a shortcut to toggle between ā€œread onlyā€ and ā€œeditā€ modes?


Me too! I would love a read-only mode. It could be the same thing as selecting the current item so itā€™s highlighted, but then if you move up/down it should move the selection up/down (not extending the selection, just moving).

It would be a lot easier than the WYSIWIG some people are clamoring for.

On mobile thereā€™s the Lock Mode, unfortunately not on web/desktop at the moment :frowning:

@Aaron_Wright: this is similar to this other feature request, right?

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I didnā€™t mean lock mode. I meant where you can select and move stuff around but the key is never entering edit mode until you want that.

Ah, yup ā€” same request, basically. Heh.

Ok, so there will edit mode (default), lock mode, and select mode.

What I think weā€™ll do is to add a way to enter select mode, just like lock mode. I see you mention this in a number of places, while no single feature request accurate describes it.

I recommend copying over/adding how you imagine it to work here: Select multiple items on mobile, which may lead to more discussion on it :slight_smile: