Board view (like uchhh) Workflowy

What I’ve seen is this thread Visual editing (WYSIWYG)
which is full of views for and against. It was originally expressed as an aspiration, with a discussion of problems with implementation - Visual editing (WYSIWYG) - #123 by Shida
With Obsidian, WYIWG like Typora was part of the promise t launch.

Dynalist (web database outliner) and Obsidian (an overlay on local markdown notes) are very different products. The key requirement for development in Obsidian is ensuring no data loss; in Dynalist there’s a need to preserve function as well as data. The user demographic is different: Obsidian (student and programmer oriented) and Dynalist (task driven). imho the differences make Obsidian a more forgiving test environment for new features.

I don’t know what technologies Dynalist is built on, but the WYSIWYG in Obsidian is built on Codemirror 6 which is only recently out. It uses the Typora style of hiding the markdown once the cursor has moved away (not universally popular in the above thread). There will be a process of adjustment to make the move from the launch editor (Codemirror 5). In Dynalist, as mentioned above, there will also need to be some substantial rewriting of the codebase as part of the process.

Personally, I think there’s as much validity in seeing Obsidian as a development practice run/guinea pig as there is Dynalist as a forgotten child.