Blocking Dynalist syncing Using a firewall

I am trying to block Dynalist desktop (Windows) from connecting to the internet to stop it syncing with the server. I want to basically have a desktop only program. I know the program does not have an option to stop syncing.

I am attempting to set up a firewall rule to block Dynalist. I made a rule that blocks the Dynalist exe program file, but that did not stop Dynalist from syncing. I can not find any other exe program file in any of Dynalist’s folders. Has anyone successfully blocked Dynalist with a firewall rule? If so, how? Or any suggestions on how else to stop Dynalist from connecting to the internet (short of blocking my computer’s internet connection).

I figured it out. The error was in how I listed the Dynalist exe file location in the firewall rule.
I erroneously listed the Dynalist exe file location as
The %usreprofile% was preventing the firewall from working. I changed it to the full path name
This now works. My desktop Dynalist Saves changes to my computer, but does not Sync with the online server. Yay! I can use Dynalist for business information now :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing!

Please note that after doing this, you will not get any further Dynalist updates that contain bug fixes and new features. More importantly, we won’t be able to help you with any data issues since the data has never reached our server. Please be sure to back up your data reguarly, since they sound important (“business information”).

I assume you’re aware of the more obvious results of doing this, such as not being able to collaborate and not being able to access any features that need our server (Google Calendar sync, API, etc), so I won’t go into the details here.