I don’t know how to phrase this the computer science way. It might be a dumb question - I’ve never worked with json or SQL or mongo…just grad school math and physics. But, did the developers invent the data structure themselves, or is this a somewhat standard practice?
Normally when I think of any heirarchal nested list or tree, I think of an n-dimensional sparse array, where n is the deepest # of levels with data. 7 levels deep can be represented by a 7-dimensional array. Most of the arrays fields are empty, in other words sparse. But I also know >2 dimensions is a more common way of thinking in the math field than the computer science & databases field, which likes 1 or 2 dimensional arrays. It looks like this json is essentially a 2 dimensional array, in other words, it could be an Excel spreadsheet with the array “nodes” as the rows, and the various fields as columns. And then one of the columns is the list of children nodes. And then, some javascript or database must reconstruct the nested list from those child node ID lists? I know, this probably doesn’t interest many people…
TL;DR I feel like, without the script to reconstruct the nested list, getting the json document from the API is useless because it’s flat. That, or this is a normal programmer/json data structure and I just need to be directed to some article about it. TL;DRTL;DR: im stuck lol