Android app request: Skip one tap when hiding completed tasks

One of the settings when you touch the 3 dots at the top is “toggle checked items”. When you hit the checkmark at the bottom, it either goes away or is grayed out with a strike-through line. Perfect.

I’m the “Settings” menu, under “Viewing options”, you can choose the default behavior for new documents. Also perfect.

But if you you are working with a document, and want to switch between hidden or visible, there is an extra step half the time. I know that it toggles between hidden, visible, and default, but no matter what you have your default set to, there is always an extra step half the time.

In other words, choosing “toggle checked items” cycles through either:
So, half the time, when you make that selection, nothing visibly changes.

If my tasks are hidden and I want to see them, or if they’re visible and I want to hide them, I should be able to touch the 3 dots at the top, and select “toggle checked items”, and it should always toggle whether I see them or not.