Add PDF annotation be part of workflow

How could you add PDF annotation (including the whole page or document) in other documents include Dynalist workflow, so all notes can stay together.
A picture can be a solution, but having the ability to move back and forth between the PDF app to adjust AND have the ability to view in Dynalist (all platforms) will be great

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You could use a pdf editor that supports deep linking such that you just paste a link into dynalist that opens the annotated document


Can’t think of a better answer than @Louis_Kirsch’s. Deep links that your PDF programs would recognize would be great.

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Sounds interesting. Do you have an example for such a reader?

Mendeley Web comes to my mind, but it is specifically aimed at researchers. Not sure about a general purpose pdf reader / annotator at the moment. Suggestions welcome!

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Okay thanks! If I stumble across something I will let you know.

On a mac I think Devonthink could do the trick (if I understand correctly)

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I wonder if there are some apps with such function. I use, maybe you could give it a try?

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Just get a pdf annotation app like Adobe Acrobat, Xodo, Foxit, or something else.
Here are some good recommendations: