Accidentally use "toggle checked" y no puedo regresar :

Dynalist es lo mejor que uso aunque hoy por accidente use la combinacion “Toggle checked” y sin darme cuenta ya habia cerrado la pagina nose si hay alguna forma de desmarcar o traer eso de vuelta, quisiera que me ayudaran por que es un plan de estudio que tarde 3 dias en hacer agradeceria enormemente su ayuda.

Using Google translate:

Dynalist is the best thing that I use although today I accidentally used the “Toggle checked” combination and without realizing it I had already closed the page, I don’t know if there is any way to unmark or bring that back, I would like you to help me because it is a study plan that takes 3 days to do I would greatly appreciate your help.

If I am understanding correctly, you’d like to view all the items that you’ve checked off. To do this, you can click on the eye icon at the top right corner and click on Show under Checked items.

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Thank you for your help, apparently I removed it, because if I tried the option that it tells me, happily I still remembered where I got all the information and I’m doing it again, I will be more careful from now on.

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Thanks for helping out @anon77612580!

@Alvaro_Huaman_Martin: glad you were able to fix it, would appreciate if you can post in English in the future. Welcome to the community!

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