Accidentally deleted list

Hi Erica,

I accidentally deleted a file on my dynalist. Can you help me restore the file? thanks you :). The file name is Breakfast Burrito SAuce.

Hi, I accidentally deleted a folder but I am a free user. I already had a free trial the first I started using Dynalist. Could I just get a few days of Pro to restore it?

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PLEASE!!! I inadvertently deleted a file named AMZ, how can I get it back?

Hey Everyone - If the delte was the very last thing you did and you’re on a Windows device, you can try Ctrl+Z to undo it. I just deleted a sub-list accidentally and panicked as I don’t have Pro. But the old Ctrl+Z did the trick (phew!).

Hi, Erica! Can you help me? I accidentally deleted a document and I don’t know how to recover it.

Folks - posting here is not the correct way to contact support for a file/folder undelete.

  1. Ctrl-Z if it was the last thing you did
  2. Check your dropbox/GDrive backups and version history if you have Pro.
  3. File a support ticket via the form here Send Feedback - Dynalist . Make sure you are logged into your dynalist account in your browser before submitting. State the exact name and time it was deleted. They may be able to restore it.