2019 November update (Search and replace)

Full update: https://blog.dynalist.io/2019-november-update/


Thanks for delivering some really useful new functionality this month - and also for not forgetting about performance!

Keep up the good work :+1:

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Dear Erica,
Thank you for your updatiing.
Serch and Replace function is amazing.
However I don’t understand well about ”Match case option”.

Is it just identifying whether the alphabet is uppercase or lowercase?
For example, if I put ”Test" and check Match option, “Test” is replaced, but ”test" is not replaced ?
Just only for alphabet user ?

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Search and replace… :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Yes, that’s correct. If the option is not checked, when you find “test”, it matches “Test”, “TEST”, and “tEsT”. If the option checked, it will only match exactly “test”.

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