Incorrect behavior while using "Make a copy" on a document

Steps to reproduce

We have 2 documents: “doc A” and “doc B”. We want to create copy of “doc B” by the name “doc C”.

  1. Have “doc A” selected in document list.
  2. Right-click on “doc B” and do “Make a copy”. System makes a copy and prompts to enter name of the copied document.
  3. Type “doc C” and press Enter.
    4.1. If you wait for couple of secs, “doc C” will revert to “doc B” for some reason.
    4.2. Alternatively if you quickly select “doc C” - you will see that the header of the opened document is “doc B” and name of the “doc C” document in the document list reverts to “doc B” shortly.

Step 1 is somewhat important since you can reproduce the problem in 100% of cases. If you left-click on “doc B” before right-clicking, problem reproduce from time to time only.

Expected result

I would expect a copy to be created and it’s name not reverting to the original .

Actual result

If you wait for couple of secs after Step 3, “doc C” will revert to “doc B” for some reason.
Alternatively if you quickly select “doc C” after Step 3 - you will see that the header of the opened document is “doc B” and name of the “doc C” document reverts to “doc B” shortly.


OS: Windows 7.
Application type: installed desktop application v1.1.7.

@Dmytro, thanks for catching this!

We have tracked this bug on our todo list, and will fix it as soon as we can! Thanks again for letting us know. I’ll update here when it’s fixed :slight_smile: