I would like to request the design change

I’m a Workflowy user and I like the idea of creating Dynalist. I know you guys are brilliant and put a lot of energy and effort to make the product. I think the design is too white and fonts are small so it’s not that convenient to use it (sorry to criticize). That’s it.

Consider using Sepia theme with medium or large font size?

The design is not forced upon you, there are many ways you can change it. Maybe play with the settings and see if a certain configuration would work better for you?

Sorry for disappointing you then. I’ve offered an option to work around it, and if you don’t like it, there’s not much else I can do.

Not going to change the default design just because one person thinks it’s too white, sorry.

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Thank you for the reply and the kindness to help.

It’s just that I don’t think this design change would take us from a niche app to a popular one. Honestly I don’t remember anyone raising this issue before (page being too white), so with all due respect I don’t think it’s an issue for most people.