How advanced users find relevant info in dyna near-instantly?

there doesnt seem to be any talk on here about advanced searching

if you were to find any specific piece of info within the many many notes/lists about and across all sorts of topics and things, how in the universe do you do that? (ongoing problem with onenote)

  1. you couldnā€™t use generic/general words because thereā€™s too much instances of those words

  2. and you canā€™t use highly complex words cos you cant remember all the highly complex words (thatā€™s what computers are for, to store the info for you)

  • so your brain can do and think of more significant things in any given lifetimes

If you conclude generic words donā€™t work and complex words canā€™t be remembered, it will be impossible, by definition of search (you need to know some kind of keyword to search).

From my personal experience, combining simple words works.
Also remembering ā€œcomplexā€ words are not that hard, because they are often related to your profession/project. What you delegate the machine to remember is all the fine details, not individual complex words.

Some words are simple but unique in your Dynalist, for example ā€œeurope tripā€, both words are simple, but itā€™s likely that you only have a few items contain those words.

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when we understand that for the largest portion of searches on google, or even wikipedia,

  • exact terms arenā€™t known

we then also understand what the purpose & act of searching is = to find out / discover the 99.9% of things you donā€™t know

all these users are doing searches to find relevance ā€“ relevance ā€“ and you donā€™t need exact terms for searches of relevance

  • thatā€™s why g is a .7b market cap company, at least one of the core factors/reasons/causes (source)

for this board use case of finding

any specific piece of info within the many many notes/lists about and across all sorts of topics and things

  • i havenā€™t yet seen significant evidence that it is the common case that any human person is able to remember extensive arrays of ā€˜hard to searchā€™ terms (tho the future is unpredictable, and may be surprising)
  • the usage of simple words in combinations are for other use cases that does not fit or solve this one ā€“ because there are many, even infinite, combinations of word usage, especially simple word usage (as just one of the problems/limits why)

if a person,

  • has the talent to remember everything, then a computer to memorise would not be necessary, or helpful in our lives (at least for this key & critical use of searching info/memories/data)
  • or if narrow in their life & doings, or do basic common things, then a person or a physicist would not be well-rounded in all forms of ways (and this lack of well-roundness would also evidence the larger picture that softwares currently as-is in 2018-ongoing are to be used for specialisd needs ā€“ until & unless softwares and computing advances to a stage where there is an all in one, an ideal)

thatā€™s where innovation comes in

(innovation = the things, like an idea/concept or artistic hand dance or regulation, that are light years ahead, that replaces everything else of the outdated customary past)

  • or as jobs said in the most famous speech of our times (something, something, ah cant remember exactly but itā€™s basically what i just said)

the overall searching problem (in all contexts/topics) has continued to be one of the most fundamental limits/problems there currently is in this universe

im sure someone would have eventually found a really good way of solving this problem fully (of reaching the goal of good search); maybe it would be the physicists?