Endpoint for retrieving bookmarks


I would like to build an app to quickly insert items into a specific bookmark.
Is there any chance you can extend the API with an endpoint listing all the bookmarks?


If you just want to insert into a specific bookmark, you can hard code the location node id.

We considered it in the first iteration, and came to the conclusion that bookmarks are more for humans than for machine. Would love to hear your use case though.

Okay, that’s a bummer. I would love to have users be able to add new items to their bookmarks easily.

If you have a look at my app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.louiskirsch.quickdynalist there is a dropdown spinner that says Inbox. I would like to extend it with all your bookmarks.

Thank you!



Ok I see, so it’s like using bookmarks as alternative capture/entry points that’s not Inbox, right?


I see! That’ll be neat.

We’ll consider it! :slight_smile:

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Hi @Erica,

are there any plans to extend the API with bookmarks? Created / Last edit timestamps for each item can also be useful. I’d say the more the API exposes the better, then the community can build even crazier ideas.

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Any plans for the bookmarks endpoint? :slight_smile:

Apologies for the late reply - at the moment, we don’t have any plans for bookmarks.
One of our todos is to add folder structure for bookmarks, which would require some major internal changes for how bookmarks are to be stored. Once that’s done we could look to support bookmarks through the files API.

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