Bug: (Chrome:Dyanlist Companion Clipper) No %url% twice

Steps to reproduce

  1. Options
  2. Title Format:
    • Put %url% twice. Will only render first %url%.
      ![](https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=%url%) [%title%](%url%)

Expected result

Favicons Next To External Links | CSS-Tricks

Actual result

Favicons Next To External Links | CSS-Tricks
Donā€™t click this. Url renders as %ur%


Chrome, Windows 8.1

Additional information

This should be a quick fix.
I assume, itā€™s probably the same with %title%, etc. Where the second tag doesnā€™t render. Instead does plain-text output.

Additional comments

Nice catch! :+1: We should have replaced all occurrences of the tag. Thanks!

We have tracked this bug on our todo list, and will fix it as soon as we can! Thanks again for letting us know. Iā€™ll update here when itā€™s fixed :slight_smile:

1 Like

Thanks! :hatching_chick:

@Anthony_Flores: should be fixed in the latest version (0.3) now. Could you please verify?