[Windows app] Created items disappear after sync :(

Oops, sorry for not being clear enough.

Thatā€™s great! Iā€™ll PM you later.


Iā€™ll use a few images to illustrate more or less what I did. I hope this is easy to understand.

Before the changes:

After the changes, before sync:

After sync:

Iā€™ve just noticed another weird thing! I think the problem has something to do with the ā€œroot folderā€ā€¦ I have a few documents and one folder called ā€œReferenceā€ at the root. If I create a new item anywhere (document or folder), the following happens:

  1. Right after the item is created, I can open documents normally.
  2. As soon as the appā€™s status changes to ā€œSavedā€, I canā€™t open any document at the root anymore. If one of these documents was open, itā€™s immediately closed (but not if the document is inside ā€œReferenceā€). I canā€™t open them anymore by clicking on them and they even disappear from the Ctrl+O list! However, I still can do anything normally in the folder ā€œReferenceā€ (they also donā€™t disappear from the Ctrl+O list). If I close and reopen the app, I can open these documents again.
  3. As soon as the status changes to ā€œSyncedā€, newly created items at the root disappear, as I said in the OP. However, items created in ā€œReferenceā€ are successfully saved. More generally, anything I do in ā€œReferenceā€ is successfully synchronized.

As I said before, edits in existing items are synced normally, even at the root.

I hope this isnā€™t too confusingā€¦ I can record a video if you want.

By the way, just out of curiosity, are documents stored in plain text on the server?

Thanks again!

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