Visual editing (WYSIWYG)

@Erica and @Shida

Have you guys done any hardcore scientific surveying—specifically of pro users about this specific issue? More specifically, have you asked pro users—who’ve been pro users for lets say… more than 3 months—whether they want:

  • Wysiwyg
  • Markdown, or…
  • Markdown that’s rendered as wysiwyg?

I’m asking just because I’m a internet marketer, and I’m curious. (Very.)

My theory is, the majority of pro users who’ve been pro users, want wysiwyg. I’ve always wanted to know whether I was right or wrong on this point. Lol, and it’s not even my app!

Why is that my theory? It’s my theory because I think that the majority of dynalist pro users are “normal text” people. People who—when trying to make text bold—like seeing the text they’re trying to make bold… actually become bold. And don’t necessarily like seeing asterisks appear instead, nor understand why those asterisks appear instead of bold text—when they do appear.

Note: Like I said, this is what I THINK! I could be wrong. Just curious is all. (Very.)
Note 2: No offense meant by “normal text” people to anyone who likes markdown.

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Hmm honestly we never did! I’m convinced a lot of people would appreciate it, and a lot of people can benefit from it. In either case though, having the option to turn on or off wysiwyg is still the best option.

Just a quick update on the matter: I think we will be able to get a demo done by end of april. There might still be things not working but I feel like it should be mostly working by then.


In this case this is technologically an advanced feature but is to users a very elementary feature likely one that’s a stay/leave decider for a lot of potential users who visit DynaList and quickly move on. Having WYSIWYG will I assume quickly result in more people picking up the tool.


Me too! I can’t wait for it. Ever since you announced it, I’ve been all giddy.


I agree. It is a very smart decision of the team to implement WYSIWYG. This is nowadays considered as a standard in web applications.

It will make Dynalist more attractive non-tech people because believe it or not markdown syntax is hurdle for people without much technical expertise and at the moment I have the feeling that Dynalist Users are quite “tekki”.

Maybe Dynalist will crack 2k pro users with the new feature.


@Shida @Erica When will this “big project” be released? I am so sick of the jumping of the format.
but during navigation
now if i want prevent the format jumping, I have to toggle the lock and access the last bullet, like below:
If the WYSIWYG cant be done soon, is it possbile to provide a feature that no format jumping in the lock mode? Thank you very much.


I would say WYSIWYG still has some way to go but in the meantime, you could switch your font to Consolas for monospaced editor font.

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Still on track for the end of April?

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We’ll provide an official update in a few days, but right now it doesn’t seem like we’ll make it that quickly.


Hi, can you show us a preview of what the new WYSIWYG editor would look like?
Can you add rich content in the notes with the new editor similar to evernote?

I think that is not part of the WYSIWYG. The main thing is to get rid of the markdown syntax and format the text event when you are editing a node.

How’s this going? Anything you can share yet?


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Currently still backlogged since we’re focusing on Obsidian, but we’ll be taking the learning we get while working on it as a beta software and re-incorporating it back to Dynalist!


Obsidian has a keyboard shortcut for Star/Unstar. Just saying…


Could you explain a bit more what you mean by “rich content in the notes”?

You got it :wink:


:+1: thanks!

What if… you followed the Excel approach: had the row stay formatted but when editing the formula (i.e. markdown) appears in an edit box at the top.


I like it. That would be a preferable workaround if it meant getting the feature sooner.

Hi Erica,

I would love to hear about WYSIWYG. Last comment in sept 2020. Is it still in the pipe ? Or still very busy with Obsidian ? I’m a bit worried about the capacity to manage two software in // :slight_smile:
I really hope I’m wrong !
Thanks anyway, Dynalist is my most useful app cross platform, without an hesitation.

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