Best I can suggest is use Safari dynalist, and bookmark your items. You can invoke such bookmarks from lots of places on your iPhone.
Thanks for your suggestion! But I really want to be able to jump to dynalist and open the dynalist doc/item from other applications, and I usually use Microsoft Edge browser.
What’s the issue? Right click a bullet > “Get Link” > Paste into the other app. When you click it, your default browser (sounds like you set Edge to default) will open the item.
If I open it through the browser, it takes longer to load than it does in the dynalist. If I want to quickly switch to different pages, I have to open multiple pages in the browser through http://, and then I have to wait. In addition to the problem of slow speed, there are too many opened pages, that’s inconvenient. Moreover, desktop applications are more concise and comfortable than browsers without various sidebars. I think I am really eager for a dynalist://protocol, whether on mobile or computer.