True Offline Mode or Encrypted Data

Iā€™ll definitely be experimenting with this! Obsidian is great, and it works well as an offline knowledge-base but the outline capabilities of dynalist (and maybe moo.doo) are so great for fleeting notes or inbox items.

Let us know your opinion later. I donā€™t have time to test it out but Iā€™m curious, could be useful for work stuff.

I forget where it was announced but I see it never got mentioned in this thread, it is a Pro feature now

Indeed! Still waiting for that client-side encryption though :slight_smile:

Homomorphic encryption - Wikipedia ?

Homomorphic encryption is a form of encryption that permits users to perform computations on its encrypted data without first decrypting it. These resulting computations are left in an encrypted form which, when decrypted, result in an identical output to that produced had the operations been performed on the unencrypted data. Homomorphic encryption can be used for privacy-preserving outsourced storage and computation. This allows data to be encrypted and out-sourced to commercial cloud environments for processing, all while encrypted.

Looks like it was part of their May Update:
May update | The Dynalist Blog