Toggle checklist at any level at will

Same here.
It seems far more in line with Dynalist to let people decide for themselves what is and is not a checklist item.

Just started trying out Dynalist and this is the first negative thing I noticed.

I came to this forum to make this same exact suggestion, and looks like the developers are already working on it. Awesome.

Edit: actually looks like this was posted back in 2017ā€¦ any plans to still implement this feature?

Hmm the unresponsiveness of the support/development team is certainly not inspiring confidence in me to make the switch from Workflowy. Guess Iā€™m sticking with Workflowy Pro for nowā€¦

Sorry about the late reply!

We did plan to fix this since 2017, but itā€™s a pretty complicated issue with added migration complexity as well. Recently we realized thereā€™s a better solution to this problem, and this time I think weā€™re closer to making this possible than ever. Stay tuned!

Hi @Erica

Any news on that? I would also love to see an option to having checkboxes only on the same level of indentation.

Thanks, Eberhard

Hopefully soon, although I donā€™t think the new behavior would be to have it work on the same level of indentation.

Related poll: Desired behavior when adding a checkbox

This is now implemented:

Thank for more flexibility with checkboxes. However it has a big drawback. I collect tasks and ideas in different lists without any checkbox. Then there is a list for today where checkbox for childrens was activated. This was very nice. When I moved an item to the todo list it automatically became a task with checkbox.
With the new implementation i need to do all the checkbox stuff manually. :frowning:

Can we get back a way of explicit listes with checkboxes, where all children created or moved into get a checkbox attached? Can there be an explicit non-checkbox-lists where the checkbox is automatically removed from the checkbox?

Unfortunately this seems to need a new property for lists in current implementation, dont it?

I donā€™t think so, unfortunately. Having both checklist and checkbox is too confusing in the app.

The workaround would be to do a ā€œadd checkbox to childrenā€ on the parent from time to time, or add the checkbox before sending it off.

Again I really welcome the possibility to change the checkbox per item by will.

But I tried it out for a while now. Not having a checkbox-list is really annoying for me. Moving items from my Backlog to the TodoList, i need to check every item indivudally now. The workaround to use the ā€œadd checkbox to childrenā€ time by time is very unconvinient.

I wonder, If I am the only, who is uncomfortable with the changed behaviour?

But I have an idea, that could work to introduce checklists again while keeping the individual possibilities. I will create a new feature request.