Table View

I have been thinking in the same lines. This would be a killer feature.


Maybe something like this could be used as a workaround?


Same for me.

As far as I understand Coda, it looks very interesting. Kind of like Notion but with scripting capabilities? I don’t see how that could be applied for Dynalist though.

I guess it could be done with css and scriptmonkey. Or a browser plugin. Heck I would even pay someone were they to make it. For instance, for just a editable table: free. For table that does summations and calculations paid 50$ one time fee…

Would love to see Tables, too! There are a lot of use cases to save structured data. In Notion you can see alot of examples.

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A method that makes a lot of sense to me is to have the list interpreted as json, and thus each node consists of a key value pair.


  • Fruit table
    • apple
      • price:20
      • health:10
    • toblerone
      • price:100
      • health:2
      • danger:5

In this case, the nodes (Apple) become the table index and the keys are column names. Values are, well, values. If there is no key-value pair for a node, it would default to null. It’s a similar approach to many other json-to-table implementations.

One clear benefit of this over the OP post is that you can quickly input new data without having to worry about the parent storing column metadata. If I want to add “flavour” as a new column, all I have to do is update a single node and it becomes a column.

Below is a link that also serves to illustrate how to tackle the issue of multi-nesting (tl;dr only look at 1 level of depth).


I use this style of table layout in Roam and it works surprisingly well. Would love this in Dynalist.


operational when ?

the board/bullet feature of Workflowly seems me to be a better way to follow

Absolutely love this ideia. More useful than the kanban boards.

Suggestion: the table could be sorted by the value in any of the columns!

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I have just create an account to comment this. How can I support this request? is there any way to vote for this feature? I am searching for an outliner with table support to leave Onenote but I can’t find no one. Beside it, I love the solution suggested here.

(hope it’s not against the rules to mention this here, but:) I recommend looking at in the meantime, if you haven’t heard of it. It’s been years since I’ve used OneNote, but from what I remember, they have a lot of similar features. And they just made the “personal” plan/usage totally free.

Yes, I know notion. However with outliner I mean a note manager in which you can collapse any sub-paragraph or open it in a new view. Like Dynalist, workflowy, Transno, roam research, Logseq, remnote…

What I would love is that a Folder shown a Board. A simple and clean implementation: clicking a folder shows all the docs within it as columns; and you could drag and drop in between them (like workflowy, trello, kanban…)

Would make it the best of the best for me.

interested in being able to add tables. tables should also include the ability to do simple sums.

I would like to see item for that in so I could vote!

In general: more views, good and different ones!

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I have tested Coda as well just for the fact that you can insert tables. the functionality here is also that you can use simple auto formulas (sum, count) at the bottom of rows which is helpful. As a side note as soon as you have a note taking tool that can also do basic spreadsheets you start working more effectively in one place. this is the principle behind Coda. Coda does not have the smarts for tagging a bullet though.

Also Nimbus Notes has a better version of tables in their note taking

I would really love to be able to do tables ASAP! When will this be rolled out?

Dynalist is in maintenance mode, as far as I know. So I guess there will be no new feature rolled out in the next time. Perhaps it takes months or years, we will see… Sorry.