Setting up GTD on Dynalist

Hi, I just responded to a similar topic of yours on project setup here which is relevant: How Do You Setup Your Projects in Dynalist?

The only things I would add to that post for your more general question is:

  • Obviously I have an inbox
  • I have a calendar in dynalist which also functions as Allen’s tickler file - the days have a series of tags like #tue #d24 #apr #2017 – this is better than a single tag system as you can have a cloud of tags at the top of your calendar with all the days of the week, month, months and years, and can click to filter as you like (this is very powerful) - these also allow you to move items to certain days very easily e.g. by typing #tue into the ‘move’ box all the tuesdays come up - Nested under each day are the hours of the day in bullet form so that events can be nested un the appropriate time (I also give events a due time with dyanlist’s in built feature so they show up on my google calendar)
  • I have an operations centre, which has my current day, a big cloud of tags / links for all my major projects and searches as well as my daily / weekly checklists, and my inbox
  • Each day I move my calendar entry for that day to my operations document - this day of course has my fixed events on it / any tickler things I’ve sent there over time - I then build on this throughout the day (e.g. I roughly plan my tasks first thing) and I also journal on top of it, recording various things that happen
  • At the end of the day I move any unresolved things to appropriate places and send that day to my @Past document