Roam Research, new web-based outliner that supports transclusion & wiki features - thoughts?

I’ve been using Roam for a year now. It’s a wild ride. I tend to be interested in learning new tricks, so that’s OK for me. But Dynalist is certainly a much more stable platform and basic knowledge work.

What are the three biggest pros and cons with regards to Dynalist, Workflowy and Remnote?

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You forgot checkvist,, transno, and the other 478 new outliners that come out each week on

Workflowy and Dynalist are very similar. Dynalist has a powerful API, calendar sync, custom css, custom hotkeys, file upload. Workflowy has sharing permissions by node, mirror nodes. Those are the only two I like. The others have a lot of annoyances.

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Yeah I know. :slight_smile: I listed what I think are the top contenders at the moment.