Photo upload in iOS is buggy

Steps to reproduce

Using the iOS app, try to upload a photo from the camera roll

Expected result

The photo uploads successfully to Dynalist

Actual result

It doesnā€™t upload and I get a small empty box where the photo would be. Hereā€™s an example:


iOS 14
Using the mobile app from the App Store, not the web browser.

Additional information

Iā€™ve noticed this bug happening for quite some time, years perhaps? Never bothered to report it that much before because it never bugged (ha) me that much before but these days I wanna upload more pics.

Recently upgraded from iPhone XS Max to iPhone 12 Pro Max. This bug happens on bother of those phone models.

Additional comments

1 Like

I couldnā€™t reproduce the bug on my ipad. The image uploaded and showed up.

Does the file appear in Upload Manager?
Can you see photos uploaded via desktop?
Does desktop see the blank squares too?
Does the markdown show a dynalist image url?